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Employee Vetting

The use of employee vetting is a relatively new concept to the marine industry which is surprising when crew are handling assets worth millions.

In sectors where there is also involvement with passengers and crew a prudent ship-owner should as part of the routine of recruiting ensure that appropriate references and checks have taken place.

In the yacht sector in particular, whether the yacht is used privately or chartered, pre-employment checks are imperative to ensure the crew member has disclosed their background and that the guests, crew, and yacht itself are not at risk. 

How can Voyonic help?

Crew can be privy to confidential guest conversations, substantial amounts of cash and valuables in addition to being in a close working environment with other crew. Voyonic offer criminal background checks, adverse media and Worldcheck reports. 

Voyonic can offer this as a standalone service or as a bolt-on to the employment, making it a fully comprehensive service.

Get in touch

If you wish to know more about any Voyonic services, please do not hesitate to make contact directly with our offices or by using the form provided. Your confidential enquiry will be dealt with by an appropriate specialist in the Group.

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