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Privacy Policy

Voyonic Crewing Limited and its associated companies (“the Voyonic Group”) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. This privacy notice will inform you as to how we collect and look after your personal data when you visit our website (regardless of where you visit it from) and tell you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

The Data Protection (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2017 requires us to provide certain information to you. We provide this via our Privacy Statement below.

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions from this policy at any time so visitors are encouraged to review this policy from time to time. Your continued use of our site following the posting of changes to these terms means you accept these changes. More details concerning the collection or processing of Personal Data may be requested from the Data Controller at any time.

This privacy policy does not cover any third party websites reached via links on this website. You are advised to read the privacy statements on the other websites you visit.

Individual privacy policies are issued to all clients, potential clients, employees and potential employees.

Owner and Data Controller

PO Box 191, Elizabeth House, Ruettes Brayes, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 4HW

Owner contact email: enquiries@voyonic.com

You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Guernsey Data Protection Commissioner’s Office (ODPC) for data protection issues. We would, however, appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the Channel Island Data Protection Offices so please contact us in the first instance.

When Personal Data is Collected

Personal data, or personal information, means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).

We may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data about you which we have grouped together follows:

  • Identity and Contact Dataincludes first name, last name and email address collected using the contact form on this website.
  • Technical Dataincludes internet protocol (IP) address, cookies browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions.
  • Usage Dataincludes information about how you use our website.
  • Marketing and Communications Dataincludes your preferences in receiving marketing from us and your communication preferences.

The Personal Data may be freely provided by the User, or, in case of Usage Data, collected automatically when using this Application.

All Data requested by this Application is mandatory and failure to provide this Data may make it impossible for this Application to provide its services. In cases where this Application specifically states that some Data is not mandatory, Users are free not to communicate this Data without any consequences on the availability or the functioning of the service.

Users who are uncertain about which Personal Data is mandatory are welcome to contact the Owner.

Any use of Cookies – or of other tracking tools – by this Application or by the owners of third-party services used by this Application serves the purpose of providing the service required by the User, in addition to any other purposes described in the present document and in the Cookie Policy, if available.

How Is Your Personal Data Collected?

We use different methods to collect data from and about you including through:

  • Direct interactions.
    • You may give us your identity and contact by using the contact form or by corresponding with us by post, phone, and email or otherwise. This includes the personal data you provide when you enquire about our services, become a client, request marketing information or give us feedback.
  • Automated technologies or interactions.
    • As you interact with our website, we may automatically collect Technical Data about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns. We collect this personal data by using cookies, server logs and other similar technologies.
  • Third parties.
    • We may receive personal data about you from various third parties and public sources such as analytics providers such as Google (based outside the EU), advertising networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook (based inside OR outside the EU). We would advise you to read their privacy policies. We use this data solely for monitoring how well our content is performing (how many views it has, who likes it, who shares it etc.) as an indicator of how well we are meeting our objectives.

How We Use Your Personal Data

We will only use your personal data when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your personal data in the following circumstances:

  • Where we need to perform the contract we are about to enter into or have entered into with you or to contact you regarding potential services.
  • Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.
  • Where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.
  • In order to collect analytics for the purpose of tracking website traffic.

The Data Controller processes the Data of Users in a proper manner and shall take appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorised destruction of the Data.

The Data processing is carried out using computers and/or IT enabled tools, following organisational procedures and modes strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, the Data may be accessible to certain types of persons in charge, involved with the operation of the site (administration, sales, marketing, legal, system administration) or external parties (such as third-party technical service providers, mail carriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communications agencies) appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Owner. The updated list of these parties may be requested from the Data Controller at any time.

How long we keep data for

The Data is kept for the time necessary to provide the service requested by the User, or stated by the purposes outlined in this document, and the User can always request that the Data Controller suspend or remove the data.

By using the contact form on our website the user authorises this Application to use these details to reply to requests for information, quotes or any other kind of request as indicated by the form’s header.

The rights of Users

Users have the right, at any time, to know whether their Personal Data has been stored and can consult the Data Controller to learn about their contents and origin, to verify their accuracy or to ask for them to be supplemented, cancelled, updated or corrected, or for their transformation into anonymous format or to block any data held in violation of the law, as well as to oppose their treatment for any and all legitimate reasons. Requests should be sent to the Data Controller at the contact information set out above.

Changes to this privacy policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time. It is strongly recommended to check this page often, referring to the date of the last update listed at the bottom. If a User objects to any of the changes to the Policy, the User must cease using this Application and can request that the Data Controller remove the Personal Data. Unless stated otherwise, the then-current privacy policy applies to all Personal Data the Data Controller has about Users.

Definitions and legal references

Personal Data (or Data)

Any information regarding a natural person, a legal person, an institution or an association, which is, or can be, identified, even indirectly, by reference to any other information, including a personal identification number.

Usage Data

Information collected automatically from this Application (or third-party services employed in this Application), which can include: the IP addresses or domain names of the computers utilised by the Users who use this Application, the URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier), the time of the request, the method utilised to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the server’s answer (successful outcome, error, etc.), the country of origin, the features of the browser and the operating system utilised by the User, the various time details per visit (e.g., the time spent on each page within the Application) and the details about the path followed within the Application with special reference to the sequence of pages visited, and other parameters about the device operating system and/or the User’s IT environment.


The individual using this Application, which must coincide with or be authorised by the Data Subject, to whom the Personal Data refers.

Data Subject

The legal or natural person to whom the Personal Data refers.

Data Processor (or Data Supervisor)

The natural person, legal person, public administration or any other body, association or organisation authorised by the Data Controller to process the Personal Data in compliance with this privacy policy.

Data Controller (or Owner)

The natural person, legal person, public administration or any other body, association or organisation with the right, also jointly with another Data Controller, to make decisions regarding the purposes, and the methods of processing of Personal Data and the means used, including the security measures concerning the operation and use of this Application. The Data Controller, unless otherwise specified, is the Owner of this Application.

This Application

The hardware or software tool by which the Personal Data of the User is collected.


Small sets of data stored in the User’s device.

© Voyonic crew management 2024 | website designed & developed by Stratagem